French Breakfast Muffins – They MELT in your mouth!

French Breakfast Muffins – They MELT in your mouth!

I Am Now In The Muffin Loop

I am so sick.

Of myself.

Do you know what I mean? I’m just fed up TO HERE with me. I feel bored, uninspired, whiny, ridiculous, apathetic, and just TOTALLY BLEH. I feel like white bread looks. Just meh. Seriously, I wish someone could just reach through this screen right now and slap me, wake me up. Or, bring me pills.

Is it a stage or something? Or am I seriously just this meh bleh eh meh? I look at my camera and shrug and go meh. I look at my stacks of cookbooks and think about what I could whip up with those babies and I go meh. I look at my dogs who want to go for a walk and I go meh bark bark meh. I look at my phone and think about all the peeps I could call for a chat and I go meh. It’s just meh meh meh meh meh. Oh my god, someone pulls my head out of my ass before I whine us all to death. What a snore I am!

I was just going to write “I can’t seem to get hooked into anything lately!” – and I realized it wasn’t quite true because you know what I thought of? Yep. Food. I don’t feel meh when I think about sushi or good food or a blow-my-lid-off dessert. I get all squirrely and excited. So there you go – I thought of a non-meh thing. Gawd, let’s throw a party. Throw back a shot of whisky. Run around the block naked, screaming “I LOVE SOUP” – just for the hell of it. See, now that would be exciting, wouldn’t it? Or at least arresting, literally.

You know, I didn’t have any real idea of what this ramble was going to be about but it actually came full circle for me, considering the recipe I’m going to toss out here. I was feeling meh and bleh a few weeks back – it was a Sunday morning and I decided to dig through my recipes to see what My Royal Boringness might throw together. Well, I came across a recipe I’d been meaning to make for MONTHS – it was from my dear friend, Joan, who comments here and sent it to me ages ago. Why I waited so long, I cannot tell you. Just sheer idiocy.

Let me just ask you this: have you ever had a muffin melt in your mouth? No? WELL, IT IS SO NOT MEH OR BLEH. So, if you’ve been feeling meh or bleh – I swear on my future grave you MUST make these muffins. MUST. Do it this weekend and don’t look back. Swear to me now, NOW!

I never knew a muffin could be so exciting. So simple, yet so exciting. Am I alone in this lack of knowledge? Does everyone else on the planet know the awesomeness of a dang muffin, but forgot to fully inform me? Whatever the case, these are incredible and I really mean it. I don’t know why they’re “French” and I don’t care; I don’t why they’re called “Breakfast” because a person really should eat them all day long, as far as I can tell. I just tilted my head back in ecstasy because I just had a little muffin flashback. Well, better than an acid flashback, I suppose. Anyway, eat these warm – when warm, they pretty much just melt in your mouth and it’s heavenly. You will have leftover melted butter and cinnamon sugar but FEAR NOT! Just tear off little pieces of muffin, dip in butter, then in cinnamon sugar, place in the mouth, and then think “Thank you, Ann’s friend Joan, thank you”. That’s all.


  • 1/3 c. butter, melted
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 egg (preferably room temperature)
  • 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1/2 c. milk

Topping (option: cut topping in half*)

  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1/2 c. butter, melted
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. In a medium-large bowl, sift together all dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients and stir just until combined, but still a bit lumpy. Do NOT overmix; overmixing will ruin the texture of the finished muffins. Also? Don’t overmix the batter. Finally, don’t overmix. Scoop batter into muffin tins that have been sprayed with cooking spray. Using a large ice cream scoop, I got 8 medium-large muffins out of this batter; I think you could get 10-12 muffins by distributing the batter a little less generously. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until they just start to turn a bit golden at the edges.
  3. For the topping, mix sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Place melted butter in another small bowl. Dip the warm muffins in melted butter (you can dip just the top, but it’s even tastier to dip the whole muffin!), then dip/roll the muffin in cinnamon sugar. *May have left-over topping; the extra topping can be used for dipping while eating the muffins (oh my). Another option is to cut the topping ingredients in half. CONSUME, ENJOY, GO CRAZY!
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About the Author: Julia Azedae

Food is my passion, and I'm grateful every day that I get to share that passion with others through my blog. I hope to continue exploring the world of food and sharing my experiences with my readers for many years to come.

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