The Best Ever Bloomin’ Onion Bread I Had for Party Appetizers

The Best Ever Bloomin’ Onion Bread I Had for Party Appetizers

My husband and I waited tables at Outback Steakhouse while we were in college and ate our share of Bloomin’ Onions. But the funny thing is we never actually ordered them.

If a table ordered a Bloomin’ Onion and canceled the order, the onion would sit in the window until another table ordered one which was usually just a matter of minutes.

But every once in a while there would be a lull where no orders would come in and the “Bloom” was pronounced “dead”, meaning it would not be served to customers, and all the servers got to eat it.

For some reason we always came to work starving so when this happened we ate our little hearts out.

I don’t know if there are other servers out there but I still have reoccurring nightmares where I’m in the weeds with all of my table – everyone needs a drink refill and all of my orders are wrong. I’m so happy when I wake up from that dream!

This naughty Bloomin’ Onion Bread has cheese stuffed in every crack and is cut just like the Bloomin’ Onion from Outback.

My family loved this but really it’s enough to feed a small army. It’s a fun way to serve bread because everyone can just pull off a piece of cheesy onion bread. This would be a great appetizer or bread for a meal.

How to Make Bloomin’ Onion Bread

Prep time: 10 minutesCook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutesServings: 10 servings


  • 1 unsliced loaf sourdough bread
  • 12-16 ounces Monterey Jack cheese, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup finely diced green onion
  • 2 teaspoons poppy seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cut the bread lengthwise and widthwise without cutting through the bottom crust. This can be a little tricky going the second way but the bread is very forgiving.
  3. Place on a foil-lined baking sheet. Insert cheese slices between cuts. Combine butter, onion, and poppy seeds. Drizzle over bread. Wrap in foil; place on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
  4. Unwrap the bread and bake for 10 more minutes, or until the cheese is melted.
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About the Author: Julia Azedae

Food is my passion, and I'm grateful every day that I get to share that passion with others through my blog. I hope to continue exploring the world of food and sharing my experiences with my readers for many years to come.

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