Bacon & Egg Toast Cups. A Fun Way to Make Breakfast for Many

Bacon & Egg Toast Cups. A Fun Way to Make Breakfast for Many

Bacon Egg and Toast Cups are a delightful twist on a classic breakfast combination. With their irresistible taste, visually appealing presentation, and simple preparation, they are bound to become a staple in your breakfast repertoire. Whether you’re hosting a brunch, seeking a quick breakfast option, or just looking to impress your family with a delicious morning treat, these cups have got you covered. Give this recipe a try and let the flavors speak for themselves.

How to Make Bacon & Egg Toast Cups

PREP TIME: 15 minutesCOOK TIME: 30 minutesTOTAL TIME: 45 minutes


  • 12 slices of bread
  • 12 slices of bacon12
  • eggs
  • salt & pepper


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees. Lightly butter the molds of the muffin pan.
  2. Trim the crust and the corners off the bread, making wonky-looking circles. Using your fingers gently flatten the bread and shape into the muffin molds, set aside.
  3. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and lay the bacon strips on it. Roast in the oven for 10 minutes. You want them just slightly cooked and still pliable. While the bacon is cooling bake the toast cups in the oven for 5 minutes, just enough to lightly toast the cups.
  4. Shape the cooled bacon into the toast cups, with the meaty side out. Crack an egg into each cup. (I take out some of the white so as not to overflow the cups, but that is up to you.)
    Lower the temperature of the oven to 350 degrees.
  5. Bake the egg cup in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until the egg whites have set and the yolks are creamy.
  6. Run a knife along the edges and use a small spoon to pop them out. Enjoy!


If you’re not a fan of creamy delicious runny eggs you can beat 4 eggs with a bit of milk, season, and spoon into the cups and bake for 10 minutes or until eggs have puffed and are set. Feel free to add a bit of cheese.

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About the Author: Julia Azedae

Food is my passion, and I'm grateful every day that I get to share that passion with others through my blog. I hope to continue exploring the world of food and sharing my experiences with my readers for many years to come.

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